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See Available Puppies

Altmoor Pointer TrademarkBooks and Videos

DRAHTHAAR PUPPY MANUAL - Fourth Edition. A complete guide to surviving your first Deutsch-Drahthaar puppy experience and the German breeding and testing systems, by Altmoor owners Roger Smith and Nancy Bohs. After years of urging by other German registry breeders, we've finally made our puppy manual available to the general public. This 120+ page manual is designed to get the new owner of a German-registered Drahthaar up to speed as quickly as possible with regard to the complex German breeding and testing systems, and provide a step-by-step detailed guide to raising and training the pup from 8 weeks through 2 years. Training and preparation for the spring Puppy Test (VJP) and Fall Breed Test (HZP) is covered in great detail. Tips on advanced work such as steadiness, e-collars, and blood track training are also included. While biased toward the Deutsch-Drahthaar, owners of any of the German-registered versatiles should find this manual to be an extremely useful guide, and owners of any versatile breed, regardless of registry, should find it very helpful in preparing their pup for its ultimate role as the complete gun dog. Be sure to purchase the most current test rules from your breed club.

Beginning in 2018 we are no longer offering quantity discounts - individual sales only. If multiple copies are ordered, please use the $18 each option

If you are interested in learning more about the vom Altmoor breeding program or what pups are available, see our Drahthaaar Puppies page.

These usually ship via regular mail with no tracking or ship notification.

Puppy Manual (1 w/ Free Shipping) - $30 (Stand-alone orders only - cannot be combined with other products)
Puppy Manual - $18, plus shipping when combined with other items. Limit 1. (Discount will be reflected in your shopping cart when other items are added.)

Please note that if you have added the Manual to your cart at the $30 rate and then decide to add other items to your order, it will not go through. Please first empty your cart and refresh your browser, then try again using the $18 option.

Sorry, but our usual 30 day satisfaction guarantee does not apply to books, however, defective items may be returned within 30 days for replacement.


Email: outdoors at altmoor dot com
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